The Good Bits
There is a bit of a ritual that has developed in my home. The ritual consists of gathering around the fire, the cutting board, the carving platter, or wherever meat that is being prepared for a meal and trying to…
There is a bit of a ritual that has developed in my home. The ritual consists of gathering around the fire, the cutting board, the carving platter, or wherever meat that is being prepared for a meal and trying to…
From beginning to end this last Lord’s day was an expression of God’s grace to his people. All of our prayers, songs, scripture readings, the preaching, the sacraments, the fellowship, all joining together in choral refrains of praise, singing, “the…
I mentioned in my inaugural blog post that these Monday Morning Musings may at times include things that I wish I had said in the previous Lord’s day but was for some reason or another prevented from doing so. Today…
Reflecting on the Lord’s day yesterday at Redemption Hill, I want to give thanks to God for a couple things that I saw happen amongst the body. A couple glimpses that stand out like snapshots in my mind. Things that…
Yesterday, we were blessed as a church family to have our very own elder, Pastor Joel Allardyce, preach from Psalm 119:17-32. Joel did a fantastic job as he led us through the next two stanzas of this beautiful psalm, as…
Each Monday, I will endeavor to post in a series called, “Mike’s Monday, (Mid-Morning), Musings,” (in other words, don’t expect to see this at 6:30 am). In this series, I will be reflecting on the Lord’s Day gathering at Redemption…